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Mommas Speak

I have been so very blessed to attend the miracles of childbirth with the Mommas below. I thank them for their kind words and look forward to being of assistance to them again in the future.



For my fifth birth we decided to finally hire a doula. Since becoming a Hypnobabies Instructor in 2017, I knew how much benefit I would receive during my pregnancy and birthing time from a supportive doula. Angie was so wonderful. We met several times during my pregnancy and she was very supportive of my birthing plan and my goals. We would talk through different positions I might like to try and we even did a birth rehearsal. During my birthing time, Angie was right there by my side. She helped me with exactly what I needed moment by moment. Her encouragement and support helped me to believe in myself and my body. Even after the birth, Angie helped tend to my other children and to me. I’m very grateful for Angie and the bond we shared as I brought my fifth child into the world.


*Beautiful pictures by Hanna Hill Photography.


Special Memories

Hanna was able to capture not only the most beautiful photos but video as well. I'm sure your heart swells as much as mine did when watching this.



Angie’s presence during my labor will be one of my best memories of childbirth. This was my first labor and although I had done all the requisite classes and thought I knew what I was getting into, these pale in comparison to the real thing. Angie had met with me several times prior to the day of labor and we had practiced many relaxing techniques together, as well as discussed my birth wishes. When the time came, I felt overwhelmed by the intensity of what I was feeling and said I didn’t think I could do this ‘natural childbirth’ . Angie recognized that what I really meant was, I needed reassurance and support. She reminded me of all we had spoken about when I had a clearer head regarding my birth wishes. That is how Angie was during the whole labor and delivery- she seemed to know intuitively what I needed, be it reassurance, assistance with mental strength, or a massage. She was by my side through everything, and I found her presence to be very calming. I could feel that I was her one and only priority during my labor and delivery; she was entirely focused on me and my well being. While my husband and the midwives were very helpful in their own right, Angie was my true ‘rock’ during childbirth. Without her there, I doubt I would have been able to give birth naturally. No one was as consistent in their full presence as Angie was with me during my labor and I credit her for my amazing childbirth experience. If I become pregnant again, I will most definitely turn to Angie once more.



I'm so glad I had Ms., Angie to assist me through this pregnancy and during labor. No matter what time it was, if I had a question, or concern, I knew she was only a call away. Not only did she answer that call but she gave me peace of mind reassuring me that everything was going to be alright.


During labor, if I had to describe it in any way, I'd say she's like that little angel over your shoulder (the pain being the little devil). I was induced so I wasn't in pain right away, but I sure was nervous! To help with that, she got her diffuser going with lavender essential oil that assisted her in keeping me calm. Along the way she was right there by my side with affirmations. Reminding me how strong I was. The whole experience I remained confident because she believed in me and I thank her for that. Definitely worth it. She is truly amazing at what she does.



I always wanted to have a doula with my first pregnancy but I did not get the chance. With my second pregnancy, I was so lucky to have met Angie. She helped me reach my birth goal of having more mobility in labor . She also has such a good sense of humor. I spent a large part of my labor laughing with her , even until the contractions started getting very intense. I spent a long time in the hallway walking around and stretching. That was the total opposite of my first labor experience. She helped make me aware of all my choices and decisions without being pushy. She also was very considerate of my cultural practices and my religion. I really appreciate all that she did for me before , during and after labor. She has such a big heart and is a wonderful woman.



I had you at two births and couldn't imagine bringing a child into the world without you! Although I was medicated, you provided interventions that made a difference in how I perceived the childbirth process. You were a real mental and emotional relief! Having gone through Scoot's birth was so traumatizing (an 11 lb. baby, tearing, etc.), and knowing the 2nd was expected to be just as big. I'm so grateful you were with me with Locke's because it was honestly better than anything I could have dreamed of. I give you the highest recommendation possible. Love you, Angie!


© 2017 Southern Zen Doula


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